Personality Disorders treatment

Large studies conducted found that almost 7% of South Africans aged 20 and older suffer from some personality disorder.

In some cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because everything seems familiar to you. Due to the perception of normality, people with personality disorders don’t often seek treatment. Consequently, this could lead to several challenges pertaining to life, work and family.

The first step you can take is reaching out to the right people so that they can help you find the best way forward. We urge you to seek holistic treatment if you are currently undergoing cycles of unhealthy thought patterns, having trouble functioning or having difficulty relating to people or situations. Take back control and start living your best life; treatment can be as simple as reaching out to the relevant mental health specialists.

Get in touch with a professional

Contact us today if you or a loved one needs professional help with a personality disorder.

Personality disorder Treatment

What is a personality disorder?

A personality disorder is classified as a type of mental illness in which a person has a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. Each individual has personality traits that are exhibited in how we perceive, think about and relate to ourselves and our environment. In general personality disorders are characterized by behaviour and feelings that differ significantly from the cultural norm. This can manifest itself in thought patterns, emotions, interpersonal relationships and impulsive decisions, which all leads to distress and impairment in the individuals home, social and work life. Treatment should be sought as soon as possible to achieve a sense of control in managing the condition and to have a chance at a fulfilling and satisfying life.

Symptoms of personality disorder

The various types of personality disorders can be grouped into three separate clusters, based on their respective characteristics and symptoms. It is to be noted that many people with one personality disorder have the potential to show signs and symptoms of an additional personality disorder. However, it is not necessary to exhibit all the signs and symptoms of the illness for a diagnosis to take place. Mental health care professionals need to look at long term patterns of functioning and observe present symptoms.

Causes of personality disorder

Each of our unique personalities is formed from the combination of our thoughts, emotions and our behaviours. It’s the way we view, understand and relate to the world, and how we perceive ourselves. Our personalities are shaped during childhood, but our genes and environment play a role too. Personality disorders are thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Your genes might make you more vulnerable to developing a personality disorder, or a life situation may trigger the development.

Treatments for personality disorders

Treatment of personality disorders can vary from patient to patient, depending on the type and severity of your personality disorder. This may include psychotherapy and medications.


Psychotherapy or more commonly referred to as ‘talk therapy’ may help the patient in managing their personality disorders. During the psychotherapy process, you and your therapist discuss your condition as well as your feelings and your thoughts. The purpose of these sessions is to provide you with insight on how to manage symptoms and behaviours that interfere with everyday life. Dialectical therapy can include individual or group sessions where you will learn to cope with stress and improve relationships. Cognitive behavioural therapy teaches people how to change their negative thought patterns into positive ones, so they are better able to cope with everyday challenges.


There isn’t any medication currently on the market for the treatment of personality disorders; however, certain types of prescription medication might help in reducing symptoms. These could include medications such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, an antipsychotic and anti-anxiety medication.

Natural treatments

When it comes to natural treatments in mental disorders such as personality disorder, exercise, and a healthy diet holds immense benefits towards a healthy mental state. When you exercise your body naturally releases feel-good endorphins which aid in relieving everyday stress. Practising mindfulness regularly also goes a long way in treating personality disorders.

What Happens when a personality disorder is not Treated?

When it comes to treatments of mental health conditions, people tend to avoid seeking treatment due to the stigma surrounding mental health. People feel ashamed thereof, and they see their situation as an illness. If a professional medical practitioner does not treat a personality disorder, the symptoms may worsen over time.

Finding help for personality disorder

Don’t let the stigma of mental health get in the way of seeking treatment for personality disorder. Even in mild cases, personality disorder shouldn’t be ignored, because things can escalate without warning, and this makes effective treatment more complicated. If you think you might require psychiatric help, speaking to your doctor is an excellent place to start. They will be able to help you reach out to mental health professionals who will provide you with the best treatment plan.

At ZwavelStream, we specialize in mental health treatment and provide our clients with a safe, healthy environment in which they can regain balance in their lives. Therapy, medication, and highly skilled and reliable staff are available to help you on your road to wellness. Every case is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and treatment is planned on a client-specific basis. Contact us for more information about how you can get the help you need.