Postpartum Psychosis symptoms
There are many symptoms but most of them fall into the following 5 changes in your body.
- You may experience changes with your sleeping and eating patterns. You will experience a lack of sleep and being unable to sleep properly you will find you do not want to eat.
- Changes in energy levels. You will find that your energy level rises, and you have extra energy and are unable to relax. Feelings of restless and agitation.
- Your thought patterns and sensitivity will change. You will become confused and frightened and feel like withdrawing within yourself. You may even have thoughts of harming yourself and also the baby. You may even experience hallucinations and delusions. These are a reality when you can hear strange voices, see and experience strange things. You become obsessive and lose touch with reality. You can also become suspicious of everything and everybody.
- Behaviour changes: You may feel confused, forgetful and disorganised. Overspending on the budget and making unrealistic plans. You will find yourself struggling to cope with your everyday tasks and duties. Feelings of helplessness and being unworthy as a mother.
- Mood Changes: You will experience sudden mood swings from very low to very high and may become very aggressive and violent. Your depression seems to be persistent with no letting up.
When can you expect symptoms of Postpartum Psychosis to appear? Firstly, it is important to understand when this condition can surface, what are the symptoms and treatments available. In most cases, it starts suddenly without warning and is usually in the first week or two after the baby’s birth. Symptoms may also appear after two weeks and in some cases only after 12 weeks after birth. On the other hand, there have been cases showing signs during the pregnancy itself. This can also last for months or even years if not treated properly.
Are you experiencing any or all of these symptoms? Seek medical help as this behaviour is a medical emergency and can be dangerous to both you and your baby. You as the mother may not be aware of your condition so might be up to family and friends to take action. Immediately make an appointment with your GP or mental health specialist.