Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Demystifying Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Having a mental illness is often shrouded in a veil of shame and an unwillingness to seek help for fear of what others might say.
For this reason, many people suffer unnecessarily from bipolar disorder when it is an entirely manageable condition. Formerly known as manic depression, this condition causes people to experience periods of so-called normal moods interspersed with periods of either very high or extremely low moods. If left untreated, the symptoms of bipolar disorder can greatly impede one's ability to lead a satisfying life. It becomes a challenge to work productively and maintain personal relationships when it seems as if you are being ushered through life at the mercy of your out-of-control moods.
With the introduction of mood stabilisers, bipolar disorder treatment is more efficient, combining the benefits of therapeutic methods with medication. Medicine used in bipolar treatment reduces the instances and intensity of manic mood episodes and prevents relapses.
Get in touch with a professional
Contact us today if you or a loved one needs professional help with bipolar disorder.
What Happens when Bipolar Disorder is Not Treated?
Bipolar disorder is challenging to diagnose because there are four basic ways to detect the condition, depending on the severity and duration of the symptoms. After diagnosis, treatment is complex because just the right chemicals need to be found that best work with the unique chemistry of each individual brain. For this reason, many people diagnosed with bipolar stop treatment after a while, as finding the right dosage is too distressing. However, it's important to remember that ignoring bipolar disorder treatment can have grave consequences on your overall health.
The longer the condition is left to entrench itself, the worse it gets. Manic and depressive episodes are more prolonged and intense. People find it hard to hold down a job or maintain personal relationships. Substance abuse becomes a numbing device that temporarily alleviates the symptoms but then leaves you with the physical consequences of addiction. Finally, suicide rates among those untreated are currently at 30%, which is an unnecessary statistic for what is essentially a treatable condition.
Finding Help for Bipolar Disorder
Despite the road to wellness not always looking rosy, it is in your best interest to take the first steps to bipolar disorder treatment. With the support of professionals, family, and friends, it is possible to overcome the obstacles and regain control over your condition and your life. Even in mild cases, people often feel they don't need help because they can manage it independently. Mild cases escalate really quickly, and you will find yourself overwhelmed. If you think something may be wrong with the intense shifts in your moods, speak to your doctor or psychiatrist.
At ZwavelStream Clinic, we specialise in bipolar disorder treatment, providing our clients with a healthy and safe environment to reclaim the balance in their lives. Every case is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and treatment is planned on a client-specific basis. Contact us for more information about how you can get the help you need.
Basic Mental Health Quiz
Taking the first step to mental health involves determining whether you may have a problem. Our quick online questionnaire will assist you do that.