Anxiety Treatment

Why You Should Seek Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety disorder is a medical condition that, when untreated, can negatively impact all areas of your life as well as your overall health and well-being.

People find it hard to accomplish everyday tasks, have trouble being productive at work or school, struggle to focus, and can't maintain personal relationships. All of this seems a high price to pay for a condition that is ultimately treatable through various methods. Some people opt for anxiety treatment without medication, although more severe cases benefit significantly from therapeutic interventions.

Whatever form of treatment comes in, the important thing is that help for anxiety disorder is received. It is the beginning of taking back control over your life. And since this condition is sometimes linked to other illnesses, like depression, it is in your best interest to seek treatment sooner rather than later, before your condition worsens.

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Contact us today if you or a loved one needs professional help with anxiety.

Anxiety Treatment

What is Anxiety Disorder?

There is a group of anxiety disorders on a sliding scale characterised by strong negative emotions – fear as a reaction to what is currently happening and worry about events that are yet to occur. More often than not, these emotions arise with distinct physical symptoms, like a rapid heart rate. The variations in the disorder depend on the specific way each type of anxiety presents itself. Specific phobias, panic disorder, and social anxiety are examples of different groups falling under the broader anxiety disorder term.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

Since there are varying forms, anxiety symptoms may differ from person to person, depending on the specific type of anxiety they struggle with and how severe their feelings of fear and worry are. For instance, a person with social anxiety might experience a fast heartbeat, sweaty palms, and shaking, much like a person with a crippling fear of spiders. But the person afraid of spiders – arachnophobia – could display heightened symptoms to the point of a panic attack. An anxiety episode could include an upset stomach, problems sleeping, nausea, headaches, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

Causes of Anxiety Disorder

There are a few different causes of having your body in a constant state of stress. Substance abuse over an extended period has proven to lead to an increase in anxiety symptoms. Genetics also plays a massive role and is extremely common for children of parent/s with an anxiety disorder to develop the condition themselves. This can happen as early as four years of age or present only later in life. Unhealthy or non-existent stress management measures are another factor that plays a role in developing particular anxieties. Work-related stress, family or finances are significant contributors to overall mental well-being.

Treatment for Anxiety Disorder


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety disorder. In these sessions, patients are equipped with the necessary tools to manage their condition and symptoms healthily. New behaviours and thought patterns are taught to 'override' existing ones that have a negative impact on the patient's well-being. Usually, mindfulness is a big part of therapeutic anxiety treatment because it allows patients to better regulate their reactions to current and future events. Therapy can be done one-on-one or in a group, depending on the patient's specific needs.

Prescribed Medication

Because the chemistry in our brains dictates our emotions, medications prescribed as anxiety treatment fall into those that specifically alter the chemical makeup within the brain. These medications fall into the range of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medicines. They can be prescribed by a psychiatrist or other adequately qualified mental health professional. By regulating the chemicals in the brain, anxiety treatment medication works to relieve symptoms of the condition while allowing the patient to manage their disorder correctly. Usually not intended to be used indefinitely, drugs are prescribed in conjunction with therapy so that the patient can learn healthier ways of dealing with anxiety without having to struggle through ongoing symptoms.

Natural Treatments

Anxiety treatment without medication can be ideal for finding the mind-body balance required for optimal well-being. Some people have shown positive reactions to herbal supplements and calming teas, like Chamomile. Exercise is probably one of the best ways to alleviate anxiety symptoms since it's good for brain health. Regular physical activity promotes better sleep and increased concentration and serves as a great way to work out all the stress that accumulates and makes you feel ill—conscious breathing and meditation help lower stress levels and defuse feelings of anxiety in general.

Anxiety Treatment

What is Anxiety Disorder?

There is a group of anxiety disorders on a sliding scale characterised by strong negative emotions – fear as a reaction to what is currently happening and worry about events that are yet to occur. More often than not, these emotions arise with distinct physical symptoms, like a rapid heart rate. The variations in the disorder depend on the specific way each type of anxiety presents itself. Specific phobias, panic disorder, and social anxiety are examples of different groups falling under the broader anxiety disorder term.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

Since there are varying forms, anxiety symptoms may differ from person to person, depending on the specific type of anxiety they struggle with and how severe their feelings of fear and worry are. For instance, a person with social anxiety might experience a fast heartbeat, sweaty palms, and shaking, much like a person with a crippling fear of spiders. But the person afraid of spiders – arachnophobia – could display heightened symptoms to the point of a panic attack. An anxiety episode could include an upset stomach, problems sleeping, nausea, headaches, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

Causes of Anxiety Disorder

There are a few different causes of having your body in a constant state of stress. Substance abuse over an extended period has proven to lead to an increase in anxiety symptoms. Genetics also plays a massive role and is extremely common for children of parent/s with an anxiety disorder to develop the condition themselves. This can happen as early as four years of age or present only later in life. Unhealthy or non-existent stress management measures are another factor that plays a role in developing particular anxieties. Work-related stress, family or finances are significant contributors to overall mental well-being.

Treatment for Anxiety Disorder


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety disorder. In these sessions, patients are equipped with the necessary tools to manage their condition and symptoms healthily. New behaviours and thought patterns are taught to 'override' existing ones that have a negative impact on the patient's well-being. Usually, mindfulness is a big part of therapeutic anxiety treatment because it allows patients to better regulate their reactions to current and future events. Therapy can be done one-on-one or in a group, depending on the patient's specific needs.

Prescribed Medication

Because the chemistry in our brains dictates our emotions, medications prescribed as anxiety treatment fall into those that specifically alter the chemical makeup within the brain. These medications fall into the range of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medicines. They can be prescribed by a psychiatrist or other adequately qualified mental health professional. By regulating the chemicals in the brain, anxiety treatment medication works to relieve symptoms of the condition while allowing the patient to manage their disorder correctly. Usually not intended to be used indefinitely, drugs are prescribed in conjunction with therapy so that the patient can learn healthier ways of dealing with anxiety without having to struggle through ongoing symptoms.

Natural Treatments

Anxiety treatment without medication can be ideal for finding the mind-body balance required for optimal well-being. Some people have shown positive reactions to herbal supplements and calming teas, like Chamomile. Exercise is probably one of the best ways to alleviate anxiety symptoms since it's good for brain health. Regular physical activity promotes better sleep and increased concentration and serves as a great way to work out all the stress that accumulates and makes you feel ill—conscious breathing and meditation help lower stress levels and defuse feelings of anxiety in general.

What Happens When Anxiety Disorder is Not Treated?

Depression is known to partner well with anxiety. This means that in cases where either of the two is present, the other may also develop – people who are often depressed also have anxiety disorder and vice versa. A very high percentage of reported suicide cases are known to have suffered from depression and anxiety. The risk of not coming back from an entirely treatable condition is exceptionally high when anxiety is ignored.

Substance abuse cases are also common because it becomes an easy way to numb the constant feelings of heightened stress and fear. Many people say that drugs, alcohol, or smoking are a way to alleviate their anxiety symptoms. However, although these substances might lessen symptoms for a short period, they always return and are more aggressive when they do.

Finding Help for Anxiety Disorder

Taking early steps to treat anxiety significantly reduces your condition's chances of developing into something worse. The simple act of reaching out can avoid severe mental and physical health problems. Too often, people are scared to speak up because of the stigma surrounding mental illness, not realising that they can lead satisfying and fulfilling lives despite their anxiety disorder. Even mild cases have the potential to get worse quickly, so it's always best to speak to your doctor or psychiatrist as soon as you notice something might be wrong.

At ZwavelStream Clinic, we specialise in anxiety treatment, providing our clients with a healthy and safe environment to reclaim the balance in their lives. Every case is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and treatment is planned on a client-specific basis. Contact us for more information about how you can get the help you need.

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