Private In-Patient Psychiatric Care
Patient-Centered Programmes in Mental Health Care
Integrative Healing for Holistic Wellness
Welcome to ZwavelStream Clinic, where we strive to provide our patients with a mixed therapeutic model of psychiatric care so that they can discover a renewed sense of wellness that extends beyond mental health.
Mental illness is very often met with fear and misunderstanding, but it is something that touches us all. We aim to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness by equipping patients and their families and friends with education, information, and world-class skills and tools that will help them lead productive and fulfilling lives.
Our multi-disciplinary network is based on-site and provides the support and treatments needed to aid in recovery. With experienced specialists dedicated to the different streams of mental health, we address mental illness holistically and without judgment.
We treat people struggling with the mental illnesses such as:
Support and treatment is also available for people experiencing problems with:
- Post-Traumatic Stress
- Work & Stress Related Problems
- Self-harm & Adjustment Difficulties
- Bereavement & Loss of a Loved One
- Behavioural Problems
- Dealing with Difficult Life Problems such as Divorce
- Chronic Pain Management
Please scroll down to find more information regarding visiting hours, security, meals & refreshments, smoking, alcohol & drugs policies, disability services, fees & tariffs and confidentiality.

Visiting Hours
Please acknowledge that our patient's privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance. Visitors are requested to treat all other patients with dignity and respect. No visitors may enter wards, patient rooms or designated therapy rooms. Visitors must sign in at reception to arrange with the patient before their visit.
Should there be a need to adjust these visiting times, for example, visitors from afar, small children at home, etc., special permission must be obtained from the treating psychiatrist. No day passes will be issued unless in the case of an emergency and approved by the treating psychiatrist.
Visiting hours during the week are as follows:
- Mon-Fri
@ 18:30 – 19:30 - Sat & Public Holidays
@ 14:00 – 16:00 - Sun
@ 14:00 – 16:00
Visitors will be asked to declare what they are bringing into the clinic.
Children under the age of 12 years will be allowed to visit parents but must be under constant adult supervision
Children under the age of 6 years are required to visit parents in the coffee shop or designated garden area.
A security company has been appointed to assist all patients and visitors' safety at ZwavelStream Clinic. The property is monitored 24 hours and is linked to an armed response. There is adequate and safe parking for patients, visitors and health professionals. ZwavelStream Clinic will not be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft.
Meals & Refreshments
The in-house catering team are committed to providing fresh, nutritional and delicious meals, which are a highlight in our patient's day. Special diets will be available as per the prescription of a dietician. Kosher and Halaal meals are available with prior arrangements and at an additional cost. These costs will be payable upfront.
The coffee shop is open from:
9h00 – 19h30 weekdays
9h00 – 18h00 weekends & Public holidays
Smoking is not permitted in the clinic or other buildings as it is against the law, and the facility is equipped with smoke detectors. However, designated smoking areas are available for those who wish to smoke. Please adhere to our rules and regulations in this regard. The same restrictions apply to e-cigarettes and vaping.
Note: Smoking is harmful to your health and the health of others in your surroundings.
Alcohol & Drugs
This clinic has a zero policy towards drugs and alcohol on the premises. The SAPS conducts random drug searches with sniffer dogs to assist the hospital in this regard. A baseline test will be done on all patients on admission. The matter will be dealt with according to the hospital's policy should the test be positive.
Patient services available
Laundry services are available weekly on an outsourced basis. We have free Wi-Fi hotspots available.
Disability Services
Provision has been made for patients with special needs and disabilities. Please discuss these with your doctor and care team before admission to make appropriate arrangements if you have any additional requirements.
Fees & Tariffs
ZwavelStream Clinic's fees are in accordance with NHN contracted tariffs. Most Medical Aids cover your hospital stay and clinical costs for a period of 21 days per year. It is in the patient's best interest to be adequately informed about their coverage before admission. Please familiarise yourself with your medical aid’s/scheme's benefits, available funds or the length of stay your medical aid will fund before admission.
Our administration and case management staff will gladly assist you in any matter regarding your admission and the funds available. Should you have any concerns, please contact us 010 475 0150 / 066 255 8501
We respect the patient's right to dignity and privacy as per legislation. No information regarding a patient's admission, diagnosis, treatment or progress will be made available to a third party. Should there be a need for information, family members are advised to contact the treating psychiatrist.
Don't have a Professional Medical Referral?
Don't worry, we can assist and advise.
ZwavelStream Clinic's admission process is straightforward and seamless. However, being a specialist facility, we can't accommodate "walk-in" patients. Should you or a family member feel the need to be admitted, please contact our reception at 010 475 0150 or emergency number 066 255 8501. We have psychologists and psychiatrists on call daily who can assist. Your general practitioner or Hospital ER can also assist you with your referral.
ZwavelStream Clinic's admission process is straightforward and seamless.
Do you need professional help?
Alternatively, please contact us
010 475 0150
Emergency Calls: 066 255 8501
Email: or