What is an anxiety disorder? Have you ever felt out of control? Or disconnected from your mind, body and soul? Do you often experience panic attacks, […]
Peer pressure refers to a person or group feeling influenced to change certain attitudes or behaviors that they wouldn’t usually change, by another person or group. […]
Taking care of your stress Stress is, unfortunately, part of our daily lives. We experience short-term stress in multiple environments and it usually leaves a person […]
The definition of mindfulness speaks to “paying attention on purpose” and is demonstrated by being fully in the present moment – physically, emotionally, and mentally. More […]
Mental health is a field that, in South Africa, finds itself grossly under-funded and under-resourced. What this means is that people suffering from mental illness – […]
In a previous article we touched on the relationship between physical health and mental illness, shedding some light on how each has the ability to influence […]
In a previous article, we discussed the increasing prevalence of mental illness in South Africa, along with the country’s seeming ignorance regarding the seriousness of the […]
Young or old, man or woman, child or adult… mental illness can affect anyone. However, your background and who you are definitely informs how mental illness […]