Asperger’s Syndrome | High-Functioning Autism
April 9, 2018
Mental Health | SA’s Growing Problem
April 9, 2018Young or old, man or woman, child or adult… mental illness can affect anyone.
However, your background and who you are definitely informs how mental illness is dealt with. In another article, we discussed the stigma surrounding mental health issues among celebrity sportsmen, who are often made to suffer in silence because of it.
Mental Health and Wealthy People
With the state of the current mental health care system in South Africa, it can be said that money is a significant barrier to quality treatment and support. State facilities are under-resourced and under-funded, which makes private psychiatric care the better option for those looking to properly manage their mental health problems.
However, private care is not something that is easily affordable by all those affected. In fact, statistics reveal that more than a third of the country’s population is struck by mental illness, and a large percentage of those fall within the lower- and working-class range. So how does mental illness affect those who are better off financially? Is it any different to those who are not?
Well, access to care is the biggest difference. When you belong to a medical aid that allows regular therapy sessions, or have enough money to pay for them yourself, the outcomes of your condition is greatly affected.
Then there is also the mindset regarding mental illness among the rich. Popping off to see your therapist between getting your nails and your next yoga session is considered a norm. Very few stigmas apply in this world. It gives you the freedom to acknowledge and deal with your problems in a way that is healthy.
You are also able to tailor your treatment to best suit your schedule and lifestyle. Some therapists don’t even use consulting rooms, opting to meet up with their clients in a space that is comfortable for them – whether it be a walk in the park, or brunch at their favorite café. This freedom makes a huge impact on treatment as well as managing your condition in the long term.
On the other hand, wealth has long been considered a risk factor to mental health. With more and more affluent children being diagnosed with anxiety and depression, it’s becoming clear that this specific class deals with varying pressures related to wealth and success that exacerbate symptoms of mental illness.
They don’t have to worry about making ends meet, but stress and pressure from work and maintaining a certain lifestyle often leads to substance abuse and feelings of isolation. It’s become a cycle that essentially feeds itself, and while the class disparity separates them from those who don’t have money with regard to treatment, rich people are on equal footing with the poor when it comes to how their conditions affect them.
Mental Health and Poor People
According to The South African Depression and Anxiety Group, more and more studies are confirming the link between poverty and mental health and despite the growing numbers of people in this demographic in need of treatment and care, State support in this area is seriously lacking.
For people without the money to seek private psychiatric care, being entirely dependent on government resources in a country where mental illness is simply not a priority, significantly impacts their ability to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. The Life Esidimeni tragedy is the most recent example when the government failed to provide adequate care to those who needed it most. Not having the right people, enough funds, or proper resources in place led to the unnecessary loss of many lives.
At the same time, this same system is the best hope for people who don’t have the means to treat and manage their mental health problems in a private capacity. It’s not enough to make access to mental health care a basic human right when the system itself is faulty. It is imperative to have that care be of a standard through which lives are invariably improved.
Living a life of poverty means being exposed to crime, illness, violence, and other stressful events that are latent to this demographic. Even though it’s a complex task to answer the question of whether poverty actually causes mental illness, it’s clear to see that this kind of environment can definitely worsen instances of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
Aside from the environment making things more difficult for those suffering with mental illness, they also have to contend with the stigma surrounding mental health. In poorer communities education and awareness associated with mental health problems is lacking and as such, people are often shunned or singled out by their peers and community.
This leads to less people feeling safe enough to even acknowledge that they have a problem, let alone seek treatment for it.
What Can We Do?
We are all affected by mental illness – either directly, or indirectly through someone we know. That is enough reason for us all to assume a small responsibility in the movement to spread awareness about mental health. Educate yourself so that you can educate others, and gradually a shift in mindset will occur.
The rich don’t get a free pass on mental illness, and even though have access to better care, are still in need of support. For the poor, breaking down stigmas regarding mental illness should be a priority, and can only happen once the truth replaces false beliefs. Once this is done, the inevitable altering of policies will follow and those suffering from mental illness will have the access to care and treatment they require.