
Nkateko Ndala-Magoro is a registered Counselling Psychologist with HPCSA. She is a CEO of Wellifeinc She has consulting rooms at Zwavelstream Clinic, eMalahleni at Centre de la Vie, and Pretoria Psychologists. In collaboration with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), Wellifeinc conducts free monthly support groups 1st Wednesday of every month, as well as offers #Monday Re Tsene with Pretoria Psychologists series through YouTube and Facebook to have a greater reach to the community with psychological advice and service.

Her over 20 years of experience in facilitating, coaching and lecturing in various platforms both locally and internationally, adds to the excellent, skilful and insightful presenter on topics of Wellbeing, Mental Health, Leadership, and Personal development. Her areas of expertise are lecturing postgraduate students, and working with families, children, couples and groups.


Short summary

With her upbringing and exposure to various socio-economic and economic classes, she brings with her an empathetic and understanding outlook in dealing with individuals and groups by offering appropriate space and support.

Having been exposed to these diverse contexts, along with the understanding of human behaviour, she has gained a competitive advantage in her ability to theoretical knowledge and pragmatic views to deliver clients’ unique and tailor-made interventions. Nkateko is fluent in most South African Languages including SePedi, Setswana, IsiZulu and XiTsonga amongst others. She is also conversant in French and Portuguese.

Lastly, owing to her love for teaching, she enjoys media presence in informing the public on issues of mental health in layman’s terms. She has been featured many times on various SABC and DSTV talk shows, radio shows and current affairs on mental health matters, as well as giving regular expert opinion pieces in various magazines, newspapers and journals.


  • BA socscie University of Pretoria
  • BSocscie (Honors) University of Pretoria
  • MA Counselling Psychology University of Pretoria
Nkateko Ndala-Magoro's area of expertise:

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