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As we enter the first week of January, it is back to reality and business as usual

While it may be a major relief for some people, it can be stressful for the majority. This time of the year is financially, physically, and emotionally challenging, even though it brings much cheer and joy.

The majority of people may struggle with holiday depression, and it is mostly triggered by financial, emotional, and physical stress. Additionally, returning from the busy holidays and returning to work and daily responsibilities can also trigger post-holiday blues.

The post-holiday blues are also known as a post-vacation syndrome. In contrast, stress or depression is common after a very emotional or stressful period. Post-holiday blues symptoms are similar to those of an anxiety or mood disorder, including insomnia, low energy, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and anxiety.

In contrast to clinical depression, distress in this situation lasts for a short time instead of lasting for a long time. Although depression frequently occurs during the holidays, the condition isn’t all that uncommon. When you return from the holidays and feel persistent sadness, you may be experiencing the post-holiday blues.

Post-vacation blues are real, and if you pay attention to the symptoms and what is triggering them, you can recover from the blues or possibly prevent them. So, let us take a look at the symptoms and causes of the post-holiday blues:

The holiday blues signs and symptoms:

Recognising the symptoms and signs of the holiday blues is the first major step to take when recovering from it. Although the signs may vary, here are some of the main symptoms to look out for:

  • Feelings of boredom or hopelessness in normal routines
  • Feelings of longing
  • Persistent tiredness
  • A loss or increase in appetite
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of anxiousness
  • Feeling unmotivated
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Feelings of stress
  • Constant feelings of sadness

Sometimes, people have difficulty returning to their routines associated with household responsibilities, work, and social life. Even though it is unlikely to be a sign of serious depression in most circumstances, the post-holiday blues can bring many emotions. The most common emotions that people with post-holiday depression may feel include:

Feelings of emptiness

There are various reasons why a person struggling with post-holiday blues may feel empty. One of these reasons includes exhaustion, especially after the holiday, which is highly emotional and busy. In addition to decorating, shopping for gifts, and social demands, a person can feel overwhelmed and extremely tired when everything dies down.

The let-down after intense emotions

Feeling down after the holidays is possible due to constantly experiencing intense emotions. The holidays may have brought you extreme joy as you reunited with family and friends you had not seen for a long time. However, now that everyone is back to their normal lives, your emotions may be regulating and readjusting, resulting in you feeling low.

Feelings of loneliness

You may not have been able to travel because you were working, could not afford to, or chose to be alone during the holidays. As a result, feelings of loneliness and isolation could occur during and after the holidays.

Then again, once the holidays are over and returning to regular lifestyle routines after spending the entire holiday season with family and friends can lead to feelings of loneliness too.


Feelings of distress can also contribute to the post-holiday blues. For example, many people experience the post-holiday blues due to financial stress caused by overspending and bills during the holidays. Additionally, returning to work after the holidays and adjusting to normal lifestyle routines can be challenging. Even though you may have enjoyed the holidays, they disrupted your routine and prevented you from getting any rest.

Returning to daily routines after the holidays can cause a person to feel various emotions, including anxiety and distress. The holiday blues can be caused by various factors, especially after the holidays. The following are some things to consider:

The causes of post-holiday blues

  1. The time of year

The holidays may be a time of joy and cheer. Still, they come with many demands and responsibilities, despite being the busiest time of the year. For example, you need to schedule time for gift shopping, or you are responsible for preparing a family gathering. The demands and expectations from family and friends can overwhelm you and trigger feelings of stress and anxiety, thus causing the holiday blues.

  1.  Unhealthy habits

Holiday celebrations often consist of various drinks, foods, and desserts. However, overeating or drinking unhealthily may contribute to you feeling down or showing symptoms of post-holiday depression.

  1.  Constantly busy

As mentioned, the holidays can be a very demanding time of the year, with social gatherings of parties, family gatherings, and gift shopping. Saying “yes” to everyone’s demands can make you feel very stressed and overwhelmed.

  1.  Lack of sleep

When the busy schedules of the holiday season come, they can mess with your normal routines and sleep whether it is dealing with stress from buying gifts and attending or hosting activities or persistently feeling the excitement from all the festivities.

  1.  Strains on the finances and more

Along with all the causes mentioned above, the following points can also cause post-holiday blues:

  • Financial stress
  • Grief or loss
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Physical health problems

In most cases, regular lifestyle routines may be disrupted during the holidays. Although the holidays might seem merry and bright or weren’t as enjoyable as you expected, the brain exaggerates the realities of normal everyday life. It is possible to experience anxiety and depression after returning from vacation.