Different types of Personality Disorder

Different types of Personality Disorder

Over the years psychiatrists have developed a system of diagnosis, which helps them to identify different personality disorders. Each type of mental health disorder can be categorized into three groups namely:

  • Anxious: involves dependent, obsessive-compulsive and avoidant behaviours
  • Suspicious: paranoid behaviour, as well as being antisocial with schizoid and schizotypal behaviour.
  • Impulsive and emotional: Involves narcissistic, borderline and histrionic behaviour

Here are the 10 different types of personality disorder:

  • We’ll begin with Borderline Personality disorder; we have already given a brief description of this. To summarize, a person who feels intense emotions, especially feelings of insecurity. They don’t know how to express themselves in a healthy way and struggle to find their way back to a feeling of normality.
  • Paranoid personality disorder: Having problems trusting others and seeing threats where there aren’t any.
  • Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD): Involves inappropriate and aggressive behaviour. Placing yourself in dangerous situations without considering the risks to yourself or others.
  • Histrionic personality disorder: You need to be the centre of attention and crave others’ approval.
  • Avoidant/anxious personality disorder: fearful of trying new things or relationships because you might embarrass yourself or be rejected. You then avoid relationships and most other social situations.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder: You have an inflated sense of self-worth with little to no regard for others.
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD): Needs to be in control and they are usually perfectionists, imposing impossibly high standards on themselves as well as others.
  • Dependent personality disorder: Can’t make decisions on their own, always needing help from others. They have very low self-confidence and see others better than themselves. Seen by others as being very submissive.
  • Schizoid personality disorder: They tend to avoid all kinds of social activities and can seem cold, preferring to be alone. Relationships are seen to be too much trouble and so have very few to no close relationships.
  • Schizotypal personality disorder: The person experiences social anxiety and may be classified as being eccentric. They may have unusual beliefs and find it difficult to form relationships.