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Generally, the holidays are known as a time of joy and celebrations

However, waiting for the holidays can become stressful for some people. Feeling stressed out during the holidays is often referred to as “holiday blues”. The holiday blues is usually a short-lived feeling of anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness and depression.

There could be various reasons that cause holiday depression, which we will discuss further below. Even the people who enjoy the holidays may experience the holiday blues. This is because it’s usually a time of high demands and emotions, leaving a person uncertain about what they should do or how to celebrate the holidays.

Even though the holiday season should be merry, stress can trigger the holiday blues for most people. It can be due to work-life stress or overindulging in unhealthy foods and drinks. As mentioned, there are several causes for holiday blues. Let’s look at the five most common causes.


5 Common causes of holiday blues

Many causes can trigger the holiday blues, but the most common causes of this could be any of the following:

Keeping holiday traditions

Surrounding the holidays may come with many expectations associated with social gatherings with family or friends and traditions. The expectations of such activities and satisfying everyone’s demands may cause anxiety in most people.

Facing family pressure

The holidays can become stressful if you are a family-orientated person who usually spends time with family members. The stress can be caused by juggling multiple demands or commitments and sticking to holiday traditions.


Most people may experience depression in a seasonal pattern, known as a seasonal affective disorder (SAD). People who have SAD may feel lonely, unhappy or depressed for a short time that comes in certain seasons such as winter.

Financial problems

The holidays are a great time to shop for gifts you’d like to give your loved ones. However, it’s also a time when you may experience concerns about your finances. Suppose you’ve already spent a large sum of your finances at the beginning of the month. Due to this, you may experience financial stress throughout the holidays.

Facing social preasure

Most people over-commit to plans with friends or family for the holidays. By over-committing to plans with your social circle and there after failing to meet those plans can make you feel a heavy amount of pressure.

Also, having unrealistic expectations, such as everything being merry 24/7 for the holidays, will lead to feeling additional stress or anxiety during the holiday season.


Most people over-commit to plans with friends or family for the holidays. By over-committing to plans with your social circle and there after failing to meet those plans can make you feel a heavy amount of pressure.

Also, having unrealistic expectations, such as everything being merry 24/7 for the holidays, will lead to feeling additional stress or anxiety during the holiday season.

Signs of holiday blues

– Changes in weight

– Appetite loss or gain

– Constantly stressed or worried

– Increased anxiety

– Negative thinking

– Difficulty concentrating

– Insufficient sleep/oversleeping

– Feelings of irritability and loneliness

– Self-isolation

– Disinterest in things enjoyed

– A sense of loss

November 25, 2022

What You Need to Know About Holiday Blues

Generally, the holidays are known as a time of joy and celebrations However, waiting for the holidays can become stressful for some people. Feeling stressed out […]