How parents can help their children with depression

How parents can help their children with depression

Teenagers are known for their moody natures.

Adolescence brings with it so many changes for a child embarking on the journey to adulthood – hormones, academic pressures, physical developments, questions about their identity and place in the world, and social pressures, particularly among peers. But mental health specialists have found that there is a point when teen moodiness is more than what it seems and that depression in youth is a real problem.

During the ongoing pandemic, adolescents reported having an increase in anxiety and depression, and experts are worried about their mental health. What’s the main contributing factor towards the recent rise? Isolation from friends and social environments.

Surveys conducted on teens indicated that depressive symptoms in adolescents increased to a staggering 24%. Cassey Chambers, operations director from SADAG, reports that phone calls to their helpline increased from 600 a day to anywhere from 1,200 to 1,400 calls a day.

And this excludes contact made via social media, email or SMS. It’s clear that the pandemic has had a significant impact on everyone. For a teen who enters the next psychological development phase of their lives, the effect is so much more severe. In the article, we will discuss the subject of depression in teenagers and how you, as a parent, can help them get through this time.