Risk factors of social anxiety disorder

Risk factors of social anxiety disorder

Several factors might be at play in the development of social anxiety disorder, including:

Negative experiences

Children who experience bullying at school, rejection from peers, or general teasing may be more prone to develop social anxiety. Adverse life events that cause stress such as a dysfunctional family setting where the child is exposed to constant fighting can also have an impact.

Hereditary factors

If a social anxiety disorder is in the family, it can develop due to the fact that it can be hereditary. Consider your family history and take action based on the results.

Work or new social demands

Important work presentations in front of a large crowd may trigger social anxiety disorder for the first time. As we’ve mentioned, It typically starts in the teenage years. Still, it could be triggered later on in life due to social or work environments and demands.

Having an appearance that draws attention

By this, we mean, if you, for example, have a facial disfigurement, a stutter or facial twitch, some people might likely stare at you. Staring makes you self-conscious, which can trigger social anxiety in some people.

Complications of this disorder

If social anxiety is left untreated, it can build up to a point where you feel controlled by your disorder. Stress can interfere with several elements such as work, school, relationships and life in general.
The condition can also cause:

  • Underdeveloped or poor social skills
  • Very low self-esteem
  • Troubles with being assertive
  • Negative self-talk
  • Low enjoyment of life
  • Substance abuse
  • Employment achievements
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism

Where to begin

It’s pretty hard to miss the signs of social anxiety disorder because of the intense physical effects it has on a person. For example, sweating, blushing, feeling nauseous, rigid posture, and the inability to make eye contact when faced with anything involving people. These, along with the continued avoidance of social situations, are critical red flags that the person could be struggling with social anxiety disorder.

So what can be done if you or someone you know shows these symptoms?

Fortunately, there’s no need to hide from the world for the rest of your life because treatment is available. This usually takes the form of psychotherapy or medication, or sometimes a combination of the two. In this way, you are guided through the process of taking back control when it comes to the thought patterns and fears that feed your anxiety. However, a diagnosis is critical before treatment can begin. This is to rule out that your condition isn’t related to another health problem.

When to get help

When you avoid social gatherings, feel depressed or have low self-esteem because of anxiety, we suggest you seek help. If you are unsure whether or not you have an anxiety disorder, take our quiz, which will guide you in the right direction. Receiving treatment for your social anxiety disorder is one of the best decisions and investments you can make.

Our team of professional psychiatrists and psychologists is committed to helping each patient on their path to mental wellbeing. The support provided is patient-specific and involves our entire staff contingent working together with each other, the patient, and the patient’s family and friends to provide the best care possible. Get in touch with us to discuss the way forward.