Support for Postpartum Psychosis is vital

Support for Postpartum Psychosis is vital

Family and friends can offer support through this difficult experience, which is very important and has great benefit towards a full recovery.

How can your partner, family and friends assist you at this difficult time?

  • They must always remain calm and keep their worries and concern under control
  • There is always a need for a listening ear
  • Your partner can be of great help for you around the house with things like cooking, shopping and other chores.
  • Assist where necessary if there are other children and also help with the baby feeding and needs.
  • Your partner can be of great help to you in doing all of these things allowing you to get that well-deserved rest which is vital for your full recovery
  • Your partner and family will help a lot in restricting the number of visitors you can have
  • Always endeavouring to keep a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere around the house

Do you know of someone in need of assistance or advice concerning Postpartum Psychosis? Please feel free to contact Zwavelstreamclinic. We strive to accomplish wellness through excellence and provide the support and treatments needed to aid in recovery.