With end May/beginning June marking National Child Protection Week in South Africa, our attention is once again drawn to the crisis our country is dealing with. […]
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition marked by three hallmarks: an inflated sense of self, a severe lack of empathy, and a deep […]
Acknowledging a mental health problem can be intimidating and probably one of the hardest things to do in general. This is because of the stigma and […]
Self-harm refers to behaviour where an individual inflicts harm on themselves. However, it’s important to note that it’s not a suicide attempt, or attention-seeking in any […]
When a friend or loved one experiences symptoms of a mental health condition, many questions and challenges start presenting. What kind of support will they need […]
Children with Autism Despite advocating for autistic children’s right to education, South Africa is failing miserably at enforcing it. As a result, only a small percentage […]
Munchausen Syndrome is a serious mental illness where an individual will pretend to suffer from an illness for the sake of attention from others. The condition […]